St Mary Magdalenes
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Down Memory Lane

These pictures show mainly the church services which were held in the Miner's Institute in Niddrie Road ( now re-named Duddingston Park South) between 1961 - 1968. There is also a photo of the site for the new church and a couple showing the building there.

A plan of the interior of the new church is here too. A few of the pictures, however, are of services held in the early days following the opening of the St Mary Magdalene's Parish church in 1968 on Bingham Avenue. These show the interior of the church taken during services there.


50th Anniversary of the opening of the church

Saturday 21st April 2018

Although the parish began in 1961 it was not until April 1968 that our church was officially opened.
So today we celebrated the 50th anniversary of its opening with a lovely Mass at 10am where Father Jock was the main celebrant and Mgr Tony Duffy and Father John Robinson were concelebrants. Mgr Duffy was also the homilist

It gave us a lot of pleasure to welcome representatives from other local churches as well as neighbours and friends. Happiy some former parishioners of St. Mary Magdalene's came back to celebrate and to reminisce. After the Mass we had refreshments in the hall and porch and most of the congregation stayed to celebrate with us. Our celebration was a truly happy, joyous occasion, just look at the smiles. They speak louder than words. We hope that St. Mary Magdalene´s Parish will continue to be a valued community in Bingham for many years to come.

Easter Vigil Mass - 8.30 pm on Holy Saturday. 11 April 2020
Father Jock Dalrymple


Mass of the Lord´s Supper 7.30 pm on Holy Thursday. 9 April 2020
Father Jock Dalrymple

Wednesday of Holy Week 8th April 2020
Father Jock Dalrymple


Tuesday of Holy Week 7th April 2020
Father Jock Dalrymple

Monday of Holy Week 6th April 2020
Father Jock Dalrymple


Palm Sunday 5th April 2020
Father Jock Dalrymple

5th Sunday Lent 11am 29 March
Father Jock Dalrymple


4th Sunday Lent 11am 22 March
Father Jock Dalrymple




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